Genomic Testing

Genomic Testing

Genomic Testing Fast Facts
Genomic Testing Fast Facts
  1. Genetic testing looks through a person’s genes to identify any variants, or differences, that may be known to increase risk for developing cancer.
  2. If a certain variant that increases the risk of cancer can be passed down in families, it is known as an inherited variant. Inheriting the variant does not mean someone will absolutely get cancer. Instead, it just means their risk is higher than the average population.
  3. Genetic counselors are available to discuss the pros, cons, and necessity of genetic testing.
  4. Genetic testing can look at a single gene or multiple genes using panel testing.
  5. Genetic testing can be pricey. Some health insurances will cover all or part of the expense. There are also advocacy organizations that can supplement the cost.
Genomic Testing Hopeful Highlights
Genomic Testing Hopeful Highlights
  1. The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination ACT (GINA) forbids health insurance providers and employers from discrimination based on genetic results.
  2. In 2017, the FDA approved 2 products that can test for important genetic changes in tumors that can be targeted by certain treatments. The FoundationOne test can evaluate 324 known genes that fuel cancer growth!
  3. In 2018, the TCGA completed an exhaustive analysis of 33 cancer types which provided amazingly detailed information on the molecular structure of over 10,000 tumors! These findings are revolutionizing the way we think about and treat cancer.

More Details: What is Genomic Testing in Cancer Treatment?

Free Matching to Cancer Clinical Trials

  • Your match report contains a detailed list of cervical cancer clinical trials that you may be eligible to enroll in to receive unique and nonconventional treatment. Standard treatment is not the only option.
  • A patient advocate will review your report with you to answer any questions or concerns you may have and assist with enrollment if you decide to move forward with a trial.
  • There’s no need to travel to a clinical trial site until the enrollment process is complete.

Our number one priority is creating positive outcomes for cancer patients. Let us help you today.

Molecular Genomic Testing

Molecular Genomic Testing

Molecular Genomic testing is the process of observing all the genes that makes up an organism, otherwise known as a genome. What makes genomic testing different from genetic testing is that it looks at all genes of an individual, rather than just focus on a set of genes or a specific gene. An individual has about 25,000 genes that make up around 3 billion DNA base pairs in the human body.

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Who Should Get Genetic Testing for Cancer

Who Should Get Genetic Testing for Cancer?

When considering who genetic testing for cancer, it is important to note that approximately 5-10% of all cancer cases are hereditary due to an oncogenic mutation inherited from the parents. All other cancers occur due to somatic alterations that are acquired in cancer causing genes during a lifetime. This blogpost is meant for patients who have not yet diagnosed with cancer and is considering hereditary risk-assessment.

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